Well, I'm back from the Olympic Peninsula and I had the most amazing time! I LOVED meeting all of my Peeps! Here's a day by day breakdown of my trip.
Wednesday - Left later than meant to, but still made my flight. When I got off the plane in Seattle, Simplicity was waiting for me at the airport! We called Mother and then Ouisa and picked up Corygirl. I gave Simp like 6 hugs upon meeting her! Ouisa and Geo were already at the spa in Kirkland, so we headed there. They were getting their pedis then and simp, cory and I went down the street for yummy Greek food. Kirkland is adorable! We went back and hung out together and got our toeny nails done! What fun! Then it was off to the hotel, where we met Violet and her beautiful girls and her fabu Wesley. Everyone had to take off for Olive Garden, and I waited at the hotel for SSVD and her daughters. Stupidly, I had to run to the Rite Aid as I thought I forgot my brush and wasn't actually at the hotel when she arrived! But I finally met her in the parking lot and we hugged and laughed and cried! It was awesome. Then it was quickly off to Olive Garden to meet Vi, Geo, Ouisa, Shandrath, SWA, Sprty, Pizza, T*L and Simp. What a fabulous group of amazing ladies! And we had an adorable waiter that I just wanted to take with us to Forks! Geo and I crashed after that, we just couldn't hold on any longer!
Thursday - We got up and web casted with Monti Thursday morning while eating breakfast. We all piled in our cars and headed to Seattle to see the needle, eat lunch, found giant chess pieces and then headed to the ferry. OH! I almost forgot the winery! It was so beautiful and I got to have fabulous wine with simp and ssvd in the morning! YAY! We arrived in Forks at about 7:00 pm that night! We then had our meet and greet, I passed out Fry inspired Fork cookies, and Shandrath and Ouisa had these great packets with maps and name tags with our avis (I think Corygirl did those too) and it was so awesome to meet everyone at Shannon's house!
Friday - Friday we had so much to do to get ready for the big party, we did not make it to the Forks tour with the bigger group Friday morning. So I got ready and Simp and SSVD went to the store to get the final food items we said we would bring to the party. Then we headed to First Beach. We drove past Third Beach, then Second Beach....where the heck was First? After driving around a bit, we saw some ladies at the Quileute community center. This really great and cool Quileute lady told us we were standing in front of First Beach, essentially. HA! Then Simp asked her some really intelligent questions and she started talking about the economy there and the growth in tourism. We were talking about the Rivers that ran there and she mentioned the Hoh River. Then she laughed and said "I know a bunch of Hohs!" I looked at her and said "So do we!" We all had a good laugh at that one. We hiked dangerously over tons of giant driftwood and found Ouisa, Violet, Shandrath and Cory (and crew) all at the beach! We chitchatted a bit (poor Ouisa injured her foot the first day there!) and then they headed out. After that, we sat on a giant driftwood log, a la Bella and Jake, and ate our yummy wraps we made for our picnic.
In the next post, I will continue with Friday and the big party that night! As well as Saturday and Sunday which were full of more adventures. To be continued....
Oh, and yes, let's chat Wednesday night! I miss my peeps so much already, I can't WAIT for chat! We can talk about the BD quotes, our release party plans and our signing plans, among other things! Talk to you all in the Lex Chat room http://client4.addonchat.com/sc.php?id=170323 at 10:30 EST, 9:30 CST, 8:30 MT and 7:30 PST!
Love and hugs!