Sunday, September 28, 2008
Blue's Blog has moved!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ike, cookies and Stephen King

I'm posting a quick non-book update! First, I helped my sister-in-law with her fabulous cookie event, she makes awesome homemade cookies and I am helping her to get her business started. Look at our first display!!!! While we were happily selling cookies, ssvd's lil love shack was swept away by Hurricane Ike! GAH! And finally, Ike came up here and paid us an unwelcome visit. Gusty winds were a blowin', but did not lead to a wash away of the Blue household - thankfully!
By the way, I'm right in the middle of The Gunslinger (raises eyebrows to T*L) and I had forgotten how much I adore Stephen King's writing. He is quite the bastar....wait, talented writer, toying with our emotions and knowing just how to wrap us all up. YAY! That's my little update for now! Hugs to SSVD and her family!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Assignment and New Book!

Last night was a great chat, ladies! We had fun conversations and actually discussed some of the book club topics, like our upcoming author chat (soon to be scheduled) and what we'll read next! Deets from the chat follow:
First, several of us have finished the most recent book club assignment, and many more are in the middle of reading or are about to get started (you KNOW who you are). Simplicity has been in contact with Alexis Morgan and we will be scheduling the chat shortly after September 24, as she is booked up until then. SO...that means we all need to get the book finished by September 24! Also, a little assignment for everyone: let's each come up with two questions that we want to ask Alexis in the chat, we can discuss them and get ourselves organized prior to the actual author chat. We will also have our own discussion about the book prior to the author chat and might be able to hash out some more relevant questions to impress Ms. Morgan with our wit and incredible observations!
Second, we have picked the next book for reading! YAY! And it turns out not to be any of those in my poll (

Third, we all have been reading many different things on the side. I'd like to recommend a few of these books and please feel free to add comments as to what you would recommend as well. I am starting Stephen King's Dark Tower Series, with book #1, The Gunslinger. True*Love is supposed to be reading this with me (*cough*she better*cough*). This is a fantasy series by Mr. King, not horror. He is so brilliant at taking his reader on such a mind trip, if you have not read him before (I have read at least a dozen of his books) then I suggest you give this a try. I have also read the PC and Kristen Cast House of Night series, including Marked, Betrayed and Chosen. The 4th book in the series, Untamed, is set to be released on 9/23. This series just gets better and better with each book. Nalini Singh's Psy-Changling series, starting with Slave to Sensation is also very good and HOT! I have read the first two in that series, there are now 4. SSVD has been reading Jacquelyn Frank's Nightwalker series, beginning with Jacob, and I have heard these are very, very good also, although I have yet to partake of them myself. So, not that I believe this is possible, but if you are ever want for a new read, visit here. You can even comment asking for new book suggestions, and I'm sure any number of us can quickly suggest 20 more! HA!
Finally, I will be moving this blog over to an actual website during the next couple of weeks, courtesy of our beloved Geo. I will have blog posts still, and also book club based message boards for our favorite series, so that no matter if you have read Sookie 1 or all of them, you will have a place to chat.
Phew! On a personal note, my daughter was notified today that she has been cast in the Nutcracker modern dance performance! YAY! She will be so excited and I will be sure to let you all know how that goes. Oh, and if you hear of an arrest of a mother in Indiana for assaulting a first grader on my son's football team during the next week, you'll know where that came from...
Love and hugs to you all!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday Chat!
Hello all! It's Wednesday and that means it's chat night!
YAYAYYAYA! Let's talk about who has finished Dark Warrior Unleashed and begin
gathering our list of questions for the author. (such as: What inspired you to
create a Viking hero?) Also, I'm up for some fun loving and general chat. You
all must check out the last few pages of the gutter, we have some new people,
but I have to admit, there have been some pretty funny exchanges (see the
pretend baking dialogue from a few of the contributors, all hilarious). Oh! And
Sookie talk! I love, love Bill and they way he says Sookie (it's like "Suukey")
sigh! Meet me tonight in the Lex chat at 10:30 EST, 9:30 Chicago time
(*waves to Elle in the windy city*), 8:30 SLTA time, 7:30 for the Cali girls.
Lex link:

Love and Hugs, Blue
PS - The picture is Gev! But you all know about our Russian Tortoise, right?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Other book suggestions???
Plot summary
In the story, Roland is the last living member of a knightly order known as gunslingers. The world he lives in is quite different from our own, yet it bears striking similarities to it. Politically organized along the lines of a feudal society, it shares technological and social characteristics with the American Old West, as well as bearing magical powers and the relics of a highly advanced, but long vanished, society. Roland's quest is to find the Dark Tower, a fabled building said to be the nexus of all universes. Roland's world is said to have "moved on," and indeed it appears to be coming apart at the seams — mighty nations have been torn apart by war, entire cities and regions vanish from the face of the earth without a trace, time does not flow in an orderly fashion; even the sun sometimes rises in the north and sets in the east. As the series opens, Roland's motives, goals, and his age are unclear, though later installments shed light on these mysteries.
We could also look at reading some of the classics, if anyone is interested in that. Hmm, bring it on ladies, bring the comments and votes!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
New poll, chat if you want...
If I don't chat with you all tonight, I'll be there on Wednesday!
Hugs and kisses, Blue
Monday, September 1, 2008
Don't Mess with Steph!!

You have probably received an email from me asking for your comments of appreciation and support on my new blog: Elle and I developed this blog as a forum for the adult fans (us!) to communicate to the world and to Steph how much we stand by her during what has been a very challenging time for her. Between the negative feedback from Breaking Dawn and the leak of Midnight Sun, it seems that all she has been hearing recently is the bad stuff. We need to give her a little of the good stuff! So go to the site and post your comments. Elle and I hope to call some attention to the blog so perhaps Stephenie will hear the message. Hugs to you all!