Sunday, March 30, 2008

Funny vids, 4-wheeling and books

What a week and weekend! Haley and Joey both had performacnes this week, it was Joey's 6th birthday Wednesday and I had tons to do at work. In spite of it all, much fun was had!

Here is Joey in his first ever
performance during Hispanic
Festival week. They did an adorable dance!

Wednesday was Haley's
turn and all of the fourth
graders were just so grown up!

My mother picked the kids up Thursday evening, so Doug and I actually had some time to ourselves! On Friday we looked at houses, went out to eat, shopped for the rest of Joey's birthday presents (clothes, he needed but was not that thrilled about) and then I stopped in Borders. YAY!!! I was able to get Queen of Everything, Midnight Rising and the latest Buffy comic! It was my veritable book club, vampire smut and Buffy OCD fulfilled!

Saturday we were at Mother's for Joey's 'official party' - pictures to come (I can't find the camera) but Doug did take this picture with his phone of Haley and I on the 4-wheeler. I actually did quite a bit of riding yesterday, went out for a few runs by myself, it was wonderful!

Today I am building legos (check out my legos blog on my myspace page) and blogging to y'all. While checking email, I was sent the funniest flippin' music vid I have perhaps ever seen. Neave was the first, followed by SillyBella and Simplicity. Ok, with the Boston Market and 'chaffing' comments, I was roaring! Thank you, thank you!!!

Finally, anyone up for a chat in the Lexicon chat room this evening? 10 pm EST Indiana time, y'all figure out your own times! SNORT! Love you all and hope to see you tonight!


Anonymous said...

YES!!! That is so hilarious!! I had to watch it over and over just to catch every little thing! Actually, Neave received this from Simp, (I know how you are about given credit where credit is due...*cough~peepshow~cough*). And look how outdoorsy and glam you look! I wonder... I am fearless on those things... are you?

Anonymous said...

7 minutes if you don't move around too much...

When I sent this out, I should have attached an additional warning that virginal ears should not be present...sorry GTO!

Kayla said...

Oh my!!! I died laughing at that song! Can that be the Mike Newton theme song please!? bwahahahaha!


Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet lands! That video is insanely funny! I nearly woke up the entire house laughing ridiculously hard! Hilariously awesome! Thank you for sharing!

(Also, YAY about your super fantabulous Borders experience, Blue!)