What about our next book, you may be asking? Well, as the Host will be out in no time, I am allowing us a little book break. That certainly does not mean that we are not having our weekly book chat, but we all have a lot of books we're reading and I MUST finish the Historian before the Host is out. I am committed to doing this.
Finally, darling Simp, to re-cap our discussion of Queen of Everything - it was a bit more sad than everyone thought it would be, but it definitely had it's very humorous moments. SSVD in particular enjoyed "I think we just did the wave" during the Catholic funeral mass. We all loved Jackson. He was always there for Jordan, right when she needed him most. Interestingly, we really didn't go into a discussion about the relationship between her father and Gayle. I'm sure we've all been a little obsessive over love in our life, but that was just a mess. He was too old to act that stupidly. Finally, we thought Jordan was a bit cold and unloving, which bothered some of us. Are all of Caletti's young women so cold? Then Pel came in and all hell broke loose. We talked about periods, Edward sniffing someone like a feral dog and many other fun and sundry topics. What an amazing group of fun ladies you all are. We missed you simp. Feel free to comment and open back up Q of E for discussion both on this blog and on Wednesday chat. (April 30, 10:00 pm EST)
This is your roving vamperotica reporter, signing off!
Hugs! Blue
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