It's that time again! Wednesday night chat is on, baby!!!! Tonight, we can wrap up our Host chat with any other left-to-discuss topics y'all might want to share. I will also unveil our book club plans for the next two months, leading up to the release of Breaking Dawn! YAY! I have missed Edward, in all of his marble, obelisk, rock hard...ahem. I am so ready for my imaginary girls night out (and fry, of course, if he joins us) with my imaginary friends, I can't even tell you! I also made a trip to the bookstore last night, trying to wiggle the Phury book out of the little timid Borders dude, alas to no avail!
Talk to you all tonight! 10:30 my time (it's all about me, you know!), 9:30 Central, 8:30 Mountain, 7:30 Pacific.
Talk to you all tonight! Love, Blue