Hey Peeps! It's finally here, the week of our official Host Chat! YAY! (Larla - you better be done, female!) I'm so excited for this big event. I'd really like some input regarding the topics for discussion. Many of you have been to signings, or will have been by the time Wednesday night roles around. I know Stephenie has answered many questions, so help me out with what are the best questions to debate.
A few of the top of my head are:
Did you find Wanderer to be weak or strong? Did you admire Melanie's strength?
Did you find Jared attractive or did you react more to Mel's body's reaction? (does that make any sense at all?)
How did you feel about Ian loving Wanderer?
Was the Earth actually a better place with the Souls running things or did you appreciated the extreme highs and lows of humanity?
What purpose did Uncle Jeb's character play? (other than reminding me strangely of a gun toting fry?)
Those are just a few quick ones. There are so many other really excellent topics to cover, so submit some to me, either via comment here or through email. Also, how is everyone feeling about the 10:30 EST, 7:30 Pacific time? Is that working better for my West Coast peeps?
Finally, I want you all to know that I plan to make my very own peep diorama. Wow, I really DO have some time on my hands!
Love, Blue
Blue, these are great topics so far! Maybe I shall have a flash of brilliancy and come up with another idea or two to add to the list.
As for now, I am off to finish reading...
*ducks from the flying tomatoes while looking out the window for hot Russian minions*
That's right, larla. My Russian beefcake minions are pumping themselves up, so you better finish reading (um, or maybe not?)
I'm still waiting for the movie to come out...
Come on, Fry! Don't your type read? All you need to know is that you are SO Uncle Jeb.
Fry as Uncle Jeb!! Bwahahaha! Those questions are great, Blue! See you all on Wednesday night!
A pivotal moment I would like to discuss ... The scene where they are in the hotel, looking out the window at the little family in the park, soul parents to a human baby, Wanda comments on how the soul parents would have a choice whether or not to have their human child become a host and how she couldn't imagine that a soul would be forced on them.
Blue, I had to leave a comment that I JUST finished the book! Aren't you proud of me?!?! :)
SSVD/GTO, that is an excellent topic for conversation. I am curious to talk more about that subject.
So Blue, the Russians are pumping themselves up, huh? Like Hans and Franz?
"And we are here to pump (clap, then point) you up!"
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