Sunday, April 29, 2012

Should we bring it back?

Yes, we lost the Blue's Book Club website back in 2010. Since then, I've been working on growing One Less Nemesis (and it is growing!) as well as becoming a freelance literary publicist for Bohlsen Group. I've also read a lot of really, really good books. Today I was about to post a few things on the One Less Nemesis blog and saw my original blog here at blogspot. This is the one that I started in 2007 after reading Twilight. Ladies, should we begin again?


Janna said...

You don't even have to ask!!! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Mandy said...

I can't believe it was that long ago that we first started having chats with authors and, WOW, Alexis Morgan was our FIRST!!! I had also forgotten that even though Hurricane Ike had blown away my beach house, it also caused tons of damage much farther north.

And who could forget the awesome FORK cookies you brought with you Forks, WA?? They were delicious!!

I, for one, would totally enjoy chatting about books here. I know some of the members have found other authors and genres outside of what I normally read and I would love to hear about them.

Shelley said...

It has been a long time! Ok, I'm up for it too, but of course make no promises about my posts and the timing of said posts... But I have some good ideas in my head!

xoxoxo Blue

Variety said...

I would love to chat. I miss those nights spent trying to control the laughter and not wake up the kids. Let me know when and where.
