Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Chat Tonight!!!

Hey everybody! I am back from vacation and ready for tonight's chat! We had a great time at the Jersey shore, went to the Ocean City Boardwalk, putt putt golfing and many many days at the beach. We had a really great time!

I also read while on vacation: I finished "Slave to Sensation" by Nalini Singh and "Marked" by PC and Kristin Cast. Both were excellent reads and I have gotten the next two books in each of those series. I'm going to post my own little reviews of those books later this week.

Doug read "Twilight" while we were on vacation too! I'm going to ask him to give me his own review of Twilight, but I do know he was disappointed in the end battle. He was hoping for this big showdown between Edward and James, which did happen, but we didn't get to see it. I explained to him that the book is from Bella's perspective and she was unconscious! HA! So I'll see if I can get a little bit more from him about his overall opinion.

Finally, I listened to the first 6 chapters of "Eclipse" on the way home. With that in mind, I'd like to broach this week's "The Great Debate" topic from the Lexicon. December posted the debate question for this week and I'd love for us to discuss and debate this tonight on our chat. December's post follows:

Is imprinting as good as ordinary human love? For the imprinter? For the imprintee?

Does it undermine the worth of love if you have no say about it? Does it make a relationship stronger -- or less meaningful -- if there is no possibility that the imprinter will ever fall out of love?

How would you feel about either imprinting or being imprinted on?

What do you think Stephenie wants us to think about imprinting?

Let's talk about this and begin our Breaking Dawn thoughts. We may want to have more frequent chats once the Lexicon message boards are closed beginning July 14, since we'll all miss each other so much!

Yahooo! Meet me on the Lex Chat tonight, 10:30 EST, 9:30 CST, 8:30 Mountain, 7:30 Pacific.

Love and hugs,


PS: Below are a few more vacation picts and a little video of the kids boogie boarding in the Ocean!

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