Chris Cornell of Soundgarden fame and Linkin Park. Linkin Park put on one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen. And thanks to Stephenie Meyer, I am a huge fan of them now, so it was an incredible experience! We rocked out and my ears are still ringing today!!!! One of my favorite songs of theirs is actually a tribute to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. I caught a little of that on video. Also, when they performed "No More Sorrow", well, that was just unbelievable. I screamed and jumped! We had 4th row seats (I thought they were box seat tickets, which are further back, but NO!) I couldn't believe it! AND we had a front row parking spot too! So much fun!
I also promised before and after pictures of Joey's room. My mother and I worked extremely hard last week on painting, cleaning and organizing his room. We had not really done anything with it since it was painted before he was born! So, what a LOT of work this was, but worth every ache and pain! Joey LOVES his room and is so happy about it. At first, he was pretty upset, didn't want the walls to change color or anything, but then he saw the coolness of it and is in there all the time. We also bought him a foam pad for his bed (his mattress is kind of hard) and he can't stop talking about how comfy his bed is. He took a friend of his up to his room to show him around and was very excited ("look at my new room!")
Old Room
New Room!
Joey's (ahem, Doug's) bobble head collection now beautifully displayed!
Finally, I have not yet blogged on here about the amazing Breaking Dawn concert! I met Larla and Mr. Belle at Giordano's (Chicago style pizza - yum!) and then we were off to the concert to see Stephenie Meyer and Justin Furstenfeld (lead singer of Blue October)!
We had 8th row seats at the concert, thanks to Larla! Also, they were happily not axe murderers (aren't they cute?) and we had such a great time together. It was totally a amazing experience and Justin Furstenfeld is such an amazing artist. His new song, "My Never", comes out in March of 2009 and it's already a favorite of mine. Of course, Larla and I both cried when he played it as we read page 355 of Breaking Dawn. We had our books signed by Stephenie and then much too quickly, the night was at an end. Tearing up, I jumped in the cab that Mr. Belle hailed for me and sped back to my hotel. It has just been so incredible to meet so many people I've come to love, but then also so sad to say goodbye to them!

Ok, book club is this Wednesday. We don't really have anything new to discuss, except for the addition of my dear friend Leslie to our group! She just finished the entire series this past week and has fallen as in love with the world Stephenie created as we are! YAY! Also, we need to be out there, getting our next book to read: Dark Warrior Unleashed by Alexis Morgan. Ms. Morgan is a friend of our own Simplicity and will hopefully be joining us in September as a guest author for our book club meeting!!! WOOHOOO! Here site is here: if you'd like to check out her work.
That's all for now, my peeps!
Big Hugs! Blue
SO much fun for our Blue!! I'm so happy you had such a great time rockin' out female and the only chat you missed was me and Teak with a bit of Ouisa and a late comer, Variety. We missed you but are so glad you were off having fun!!!
Talk to you soon!
I'm tellin' ya, Blue, your mom needs to harness that energy and start her own home organization business. What a pro! I love what you did with Joey's room.
Love your Linkin Park concert photos and your BD concert photos. Can't beat that VIP treatment!
Glad to hear you had fun at the concert! Lucky girl. So fun that you got to meet Larlabelle too!
Looks like you've had so much fun! Sorry I've been AWOL lately! I've had so much going on. Plus, last night I started a water aerobics class, and it kicked my butt... I got home and barely had enough energy to get in the shower before I collapsed on the bed! haha!
My Pizza, I've missed you!!!! You must join us soon for book club! And I sent you a really funny video today - did you get it?
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