Wow, this really should have been done a week ago. Alas, with finishing the book, driving up to Chicago for the Breaking Dawn Concert (next post, I hope!) and my mother doing a 'clean sweep' of my daughter's room (it's fabulous) - oh yeah, and a little stomach flu in the middle - I'm just now posting my review here. I have written a couple of reviews on both the Twilight Lexicon and The Host Index, but I also wrote a review for a Chicago reporter (thanks to Pel!) and I thought this one might be the best to post. You all have probably read my posts on the other site anyway, so here is my review in response to reporter questions. Her questions are in blue:
How quickly did you read it?
I attended a Midnight Release party reading that night. I finished the book on
Sunday afternoon, August 3rd. The online book club that I started were to
chat about it that night and I knew I had to finish by then.
How was the book different from the earlier books? (Please be specific.)
Breaking Dawn, for me, covered so much more ground than the previous books
in my opinion. By that, I mean that there are so many major plot points covered
and dealt with. Whereas in Twilight, Bella met Edward and fell in love.
In New Moon, Edward left Bella and she discovered Jacob. In Eclipse, Bella matured
and was given the gift of seeing what an alternate future would be so she could make
the most informed decision. But in Breaking Dawn, there was so much more.
The Edward and Bella relationship was solidified. We had the pleasure to read
Jacob's story from his point of view and find his resolution. The Volturi and
Denali issues were resolved for the most part. And finally, Bella came into
her own, became the creature that she had the potential to be, she found
her family. She did not fit in the human world and how wonderful it was
to see her find her place.
How did you feel about it?
I think from my answers above, you can tell that I loved Breaking Dawn,
as I have all of her other books. I was definitely surprised about Nessie,
surprised about Alice leaving and surprised about the strength of
Bella as a vampire. But one of the reasons I love reading Stephenie's
work is that plot points DO get resolved, and this was truly a gift from her.
Additionally, I do not think I've read an author that can so beautifully
express the connections between people. Not just the Bella and Edward
relationship, which is amazing, but also the relationships with family,
other people surrounding Bella and their relationships to each other
(for example, Emily and Sam in New Moon.) I wrote a review on
the Twilight Lexicon, which you might find helpful:
"I have to say, I really enjoyed Breaking Dawn. I was very surprised by the
storyline and outcome of many of the outstanding issues for all of the
characters involved, but I also felt so happy about these outcomes. We got to
witness the fabulous wedding, the honeymoon, the anger and the reparation of the
Jacob/Bella relationship, Bella's change, a showdown with the Volturi and Bella
letting Edward read her mind. Bella became the strong, confident character that
I had hoped she would grow into. Edward's love for Bella was amazing and
beautiful, true to form. And Jacob's book? I love him even more. I loved the
chapter titles for his section and getting to see so much from his perspective.
I was also very proud of him for stepping up to take his role as alpha. What
growth he had during this book as well! I think that's the best part of the
storyline for all of these characters we love so much: they all grew, they all developed,
which makes their traits that much more endearing.
I must admit, I was also happy that so many things were tied up so well. I am a
fan of Joss Whedon and the school of irony and payment or balance for happiness,
but I am also just so happy for the happy ending. For once, the author has
actually satisfied me without breaking my heart!
Finally, I had a revelation while on my way to dinner tonight. Every book in
this series, aside from Twilight, has caused very strong and differing opinions.
Edward left in New Moon and was barely there! Bella kissed Jacob back in Eclipse
and admitted she loved him too! So while many people may think that Bella and
Edward having a child or the way Bella made her transition was not how it should
have been, we must remember that Stephenie is giving us this world as she sees
it and that is certainly no different than the other books she has written thus
far. YAY for all of the characters I adore! And even the evil new ones (those
crazy Romanians!)"
Would you read another book by Stephenie Meyer?
Absolutely, and I plan to buy anything and everything
she writes in the future.
Does it affect whether you¹ll go to the movie?
No, it actually just increased my excitement for the Twilight movie
and for the potential of the rest of the books as movies in the series.
What have been some other reactions you've heard?
I have definitely heard some negative feedback and some who were
just not pleased with this book. I can understand some of that viewpoint,
although I don't share it. It's my opinion that Stephenie created this universe,
this world, for us. We are lucky she was able to share it with us so beautifully.
Breaking Dawn is exactly as she intended it to be. If she had been manipulated
into a different outcome for the Twilight universe, that would have been so
much less enjoyable. I really think that some of the fans have to realize, as I
said in my above review, each of her books have had their own controversy.
If they go back, re-read Breaking Dawn knowing this is what she
always meant for our beloved characters, perhaps theywould see
it in a new light.
How was the Midnight Release Party? Well, I'm a freak of course!
Since all of you are so RUDE and live so far away from me,
I asked my sister-in-law to attend the Midnight Release party
with me and I even went to her Barnes and Noble, instead of my
Borders! When I picked her up at her house, she did not
seem all that thrilled to go with me. Actually, she was kind of
making me fun of me about it. But, we got to B&N and started
taking pictures, grabbed a table and some frappuccinos and
had some fun! We took pictures of some of the teens.
I told the manager in no uncertain terms that he should not
have fangs to hand out, but instead have teeth whitener
(the Cullen's teeth are very white, right?) and sparkly
body powder. No one listens to me!So we got in line and the next
thing I know, my sister-in-law
is telling everyone how I just
got back from Forks, and how
I have all of the great info on
Twilight and they should just
ask me! Well, that waspretty
sweet of her, I thought. Maybe
she wasn't so embarrassed by
me after all! We giggled and
she took this fuzzy picture on
my phone and then I took her home.
I stayed up until 5:30 reading...
So much fun!!!
Next post - My Breaking Dawn concert experience
with Larla and Mr. Belle! Hugs, Blue
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