Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Peep Chat Tonight!

It's ON! Tonight, chat, be there or be...wait, I think I'm already square! I finished Queen of Everything, let's discuss. Next up on Peep Chat will be a week or two off, then THE HOST!!!! YAYAYYAYAYAYA!

Talk to you all tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*Sniff sniff* I had to miss chat at the last minute and I was so looking forward to discussing this book with all of you! What were people's thoughts? Love it? Hate it? Disappointed? Ticked off? I know Blue said she was sad. I would love to hear any of your thoughts since I'm a huge Deb Caletti fan...although this isn't one of my favorite books of hers. If you liked the voice, but all the madcap characters drove you nuts, and you wanted a happier ending, you really should read Honey Baby Sweetheart.