Thursday, June 12, 2008

Didn't get to meet the WARDen - but there are always chats!

To those of you who have read the JR Ward books, I found an announcement on her site that there will be a chat online with the WARDen tonight. Here are the posts pertaining to this chat:

From site admin LeEbra725 -

"I've gotten various pm's regarding the upcoming chat and decided to post here. The chat is going to be held on Thursday, June 12th. This is a chat with JR and her cp and the author of the new release, Nightkeepers, Jessica Anderson (aka Doc Jess).

On the day of the chat we will be posting the link and other information for the chat here on the board, so those who are wishing to attend will have all the information necessary.
Hope to see you there!"

And from site admin Braveheart -

"It starts at 8pm, we will put the link up at 7.50pm (EST)
Now this is important -
It's a chat on writing with J.R Ward and Dr Jessica Andersen aka Doc Jess.
The Brothers will NOT be making an appearance- this time"

The direct link to the thread for this is:

Also, there will be a chat on Friday night as well, but this one will be on her boards. Here is what Fritz posted about it:

"The Black Dagger Brotherhood cordially invites one and all to a soirée on the board on the evening of Friday 13th of June. The time is as yet undecided but I was asked to inform you all so that you could make arrangements to attend.

R.S.V.P Please, one needs to ensure I make enough crepes!

I will contact again with the time of commencement.

Thank you for reading.


And the link to this thread is:

I assume the brothers will be appearing during this chat, since Fritz invited us!

That's my brotherhood update, even though I didn't get to meet her. I know, I know, I need to get OVER it already ;)


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